Updated 02.21.02

Token Stealing

Toddler Stompers

Get down Totoro!!!

TS Squared

NEW LINK!!! It's Furry Comics for all!! Click Here
We are the only league of DDR players in the Yuba City (blarg!!) area. We have been dubbed a 'sibling' chapter to the Sacramentals. They have about 150 + members. We only have about 13-15. We are always looking for more members. If you want to become a member, just write email to May The Chocobo Mage
There are furry and non furry players in our league. If you want to know who is who, just look for the paw prints.
Updates done as seen fit. Busy Webmistress will take care of the info as much as possible.

Everything here is copywrited 2002 -Mei. If you plan on stealing something, please ask permission. All graphics were either given to us or made by our league.
All drawings/comic strips are copywrited 2001 -Mei. If you want copies of any, write email and things can be worked out.